California Armenians: The First Generation
Time: 30 minutes
Written by J. Michael Hagopian
Narrated by Guy Runnion
The story of the original Armenians immigrating from Turkey to Fresno, California, and the establishment of the city as an Armenian center. 
California Armenians is a story of the original Armenians who emigrated from Marsovan, Turkey to Fresno, California. They established themselves in a vast, lush valley and made Fresno a center of Armenian life and culture. 
Produced by the Armenian Film Foundation in collaboration with the Armenian Assembly and the Armenian Studies Program of Fresno State University.

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Armenian Film Foundation
A legacy of excellence in documentary filmmaking on
Armenian heritage and the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

© 2018, Armenian Film Foundation
Armenian Film Foundation
17328 Ventura Blvd #123
Encino, CA 91316
United States of America