The Witnesses Trilogy
The Witnesses Trilogy is a series of three documentary films written, directed and produced by Dr. J. Michael Hagopian and based on his filmed interviews of 400 survivors of and eyewitnesses to the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Dr. Hagopian chronicles the near extinction of the Armenian people against the sweeping canvas of the lack of human rights and the absence of democratic traditions and principles in the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The films document the Turkish leaders’ actions as a unified and systematic program of annihilation of the Armenian homeland in the Turkish Ottoman Empire, with transportation of Armenian deportees by rail to the far reaches of the Der Zor desert, and massacres and ethnic cleansing operations along the Euphrates River.

To purchase these DVDs, please visit the Armenian Film Foundation Store here >>
Armenian Film Foundation
A legacy of excellence in documentary filmmaking on
Armenian heritage and the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

© 2018, Armenian Film Foundation
Armenian Film Foundation
17328 Ventura Blvd #123
Encino, CA 91316
United States of America