Germany and the Secret Genocide
Time: 60 minutes

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Set against the backdrop of World War II, the film chronicles the involvement of Turkey’s ally, Germany, in the first genocide of the 20th Century. German documents attest to Turkish culpability and to German complicity and cover-up. Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times has declared the film a “…rigorously researched and a damning indictment…a notable and persuasive film…a warm-up to the Holocaust.”
Germany and the Secret Genocide, the second film of THE WITNESSES trilogy on the Armenian Genocide of 1915, received the coveted First Place Golden Camera Award in the History Category from the 2004 U.S. International Film and Video Festival, the largest festival of its kind specializing in documentary, informational and industrial films. In addition, it was one of only 7 productions selected from 1500 submissions from 27 countries to be nominated for the Festival’s Grand Prix Award.
Germany and the Secret Genocide was featured at the non-competitive One World Human Rights Film Festival in Prague in April 2004. Festival audiences voted the film the 7th most popular of the 156 presented. It has been translated to Czech and German and is being screened throughout Central Europe and the Balkans.
Through the influence of the National Center for Jewish Film, Germany and the Secret Genocide was featured in the Jewish “Side Bar” at the 2004 Rhode Island International Film Festival in Providence. 
Most recently, it was viewed by members of Parliament in Bratislava, Slovakia and no doubt was instrumental in the resolution subsequently passed to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

Film Credits

written, directed and produced by

J. Michael Hagopian


narrated by

Lloyd Bochner


music by

Alan Roubik


executive producers

J. Michael Hagopian

Walter Karabian



Glenn Farr



Carla Garapedian


associate producer

and assistant editor

Barbara Gilmore


research consultant

Dr. Hilmar Kaiser


additional research

Dr. Vahakn N. Dadrian


sound supervisor

Richard McCurdy, M.P.S.E.



Edward Cook


negative cutter

Brian Ralph



Servart Svazlian

Jackie Shahbazian


music recorder and mixer

Steve Shepherd


scholars in order of appearance

Dr. Richard Hovannisian

Dr. Vahakn Dadrian

Dr. Hilmar Kaiser

Dr. Ulrich Trumpener

Professor Dr. Wolfdieter Bihl

Dr. Taner Akçam

Armenian Film Foundation
A legacy of excellence in documentary filmmaking on
Armenian heritage and the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

© 2018, Armenian Film Foundation
Armenian Film Foundation
17328 Ventura Blvd #123
Encino, CA 91316
United States of America